Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Personality of a Good Teacher

All of people are familiar with the profession that we called teacher. In our society, we know that a teacher has an important part in our life. But who knows that a teacher has a good personality or not. Actually, everyone has many different personalities. It is very interesting and unique because everyone has personality themselves, also the personality of a teacher. General characteristics about teacher’s personality have known by the people from what they watch from drama, films, stories, and so on. When we talked with our friends, there are many opinions that can describe personality of a good teacher.
A teacher is always determined by an action and behavior that actually they do or the characteristics that are appeared by them. A teacher who has a bad personality will influence student’s interest in learning the material that is taught by them. On the contrary, a teacher who has a good personality will be liked by the students and also students will be waiting for their presence. Because the teacher can make students feel happy and comfort in the classroom. So the students can receive the lessons clearly. That’s why the personality that must be had by a teacher must reflect the attitude or moral value that can be followed by the students. In this essay, I will explain about what the matters that can make teacher to be called as a teacher who has a good personality.

The way of teacher teach in classroom will determine the student’s interest or not to be in classroom. Teacher can be judged about their personality by the way they act and the way they behave. The way of teacher’s action can be known when they explain the material to the students; how they make their students understand what they said. If the teacher’s explanation is clear and not complicated, it shows that the teacher has ability in teaching. The way of teacher speaks with the students, whether they speak politeness or not, for example, when the teacher calls students so the students will respect or pay attention to them. Also If a teacher cares and pays attention to the students when they speak, also give the students praise although what is said by the students is not fully correct. In this case, the students will feel that they are importance for teacher. A good teacher will hear everything that the students talk to them.
The way of teacher in thinking can be interpreted as what are there in teacher’s mind when face with the students. This is so important because the teacher’s mind will reflect what is said by the teacher and what is done or acted by the teacher. As we know, everything that is done by the teacher can be followed by the students. So the teacher must think about the matter that they will do because the words that is said and the action that is done by the teacher will reflect what is in they mind. A teacher should be able to choose what are going to say and do. So they must control themselves so that they do not do a mistake and students do not think a bad judged to a teacher.
To be professional in their job is one of duty as a teacher. A teacher who has a good personality will more emphasize with an importance of many people than themselves that is the importance of the students. One of duty that must do by the teacher is to improve students’ knowledge and students’ attitude. Before improve the attitude of students, firstly a teacher need to shows a good attitude that must be followed by the students. Because a teacher is a model in teaching and learning process so it is necessary if the teacher gives a good attitude to their students. For example, the teacher must have discipline, how a teacher interact with other person and so on. This can be called as the teacher who has a good personality if they get success to increase the student’s quality.
In teaching and learning process, a teacher will help the students with all their heart. It means that a teacher is not to be forced to do their job. The teacher do it just wants to make students be better and have a good future in their life. That’s why teacher has a big responsibility for student’s life. As parents, teacher is guided who can give a direction wherever we want to stride. For example, if students have difficulties in learning the material, teacher will help students to understand about it. And do not be angry or lazy to teach students if they don’t understand. Always have a patience to face the student’s problem and repeat the explanation until students really understand about the material. If we do not have the patience, we will lose our temper constantly. As we know, students are not adult; they do not have good judgment and common sense of most adults.
As I said before that everything about teacher will make students judge to them, also the teacher’s performance. Teacher must pay attention to what they wear, the way they walk, the way they explain the material in front of the class, her gestures, and so on. The cloths that they wear must be clean, tidy and good looking when everyone looks at them. With a good performance from teacher can make students to be pleasure in the classroom because as we know a bad performance can disturb the concentration of students when they follow the material from their teacher. The way they stand in front of the class and they gestures show that they really like to be a teacher. The teacher who has a good personality will do these matters because they know that to be a teacher is not easy, many matters that they can do so that their students feel comfort and can trust at them as a teacher.
Not only improve student’s quality but a teacher needs to improve their quality too. Nowadays, it is impossible if the teacher only rely on the knowledge that they had before. Teacher also must follow the development of science and technology. Because the teacher is as a guide in teaching and learning process so it is important for teacher to give the actual information that can be shared to the students. Just like the students, teacher is also the person who still study. A teacher who has a good personality will do the best to increase the quality of their students because they aware that the students need their help. That’s why teacher doesn’t stop for improving more and more their skill and their knowledge.
A teacher must give the students need to improve their knowledge, as we know, information always develop so the teacher can choose the information which is needed by the students and which one is not, so that, the quality of students can increase. This is can improve the quality of education too. For example, in teaching and learning process, a teacher who has a good personality will repeat the material patiently that she had explained to the students who don’t understand about the material. So that, the students always feel happy and do not feel afraid when they receive the material from the teacher. Because a good teacher is a teacher who want to improve their students in learning the material. Not only a teacher who is interested to give the material to the students who have known with the material that she had given.
At last, a teacher must have a good personality, which is always followed a request of their heart and always do the matters that can give beneficial to other people. So, the teacher always remember that whatever the personality, whatever the level of patience, the most important factor is the commitment, to the subject, to the teaching and learning process, and to the students. If the teacher is not interested in her subject matter, it shows. If the teacher is not interested in being a teacher, it shows. And if teacher doesn’t care to the students, it shows.

For the conclusion, I conclude that a good personality of a teacher can influence an improvement of students in many things. Because students will follow what the teacher actually do. So the teacher must have a good attitude and behaviour that can be showed to their students.  
Actually, the behaviour of children reflect on how their parents educate them, it happens to the teacher. The teacher associates with their students for along time, so from their student’s behavior, it can be described the personality of teacher. We can say that the influences of teacher’s personality for their students will be remembered for many years. That’s why, a teacher must have a good personality that can be useful for many people in the world, in other way, teacher always show the best in her action and mind.

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